Monday 20 February 2017

The goal of a telemarketing script is to convey messages over the telephone. When someone receives a sales letter or literature, they can read it over and over and focus in on certain portions of the material. With telemarketing, however, we have one chance to make an impression and we have to work quickly. People aren't listening to every single word that's said. They're listening to phrases.

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A telemarketing script needs to use verbiage that's as short and concise as possible, and the message needs to be communicated clearly and in a manner that's easily understood by the prospect. The goal is not just for the prospect to hear the message that's being communicated, but in their mind, they need to process that message and come to the conclusion that they need what you're selling. Often, success depends on the telemarketer's ability to create tangible ideas in the prospect's mind.

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A good script - a well-thought-out presentation that says what you want to say, precisely and succinctly, yet still gives you room to maneuver - is one of the keys to a successful telephone pitch. This is about communication and about being prepared. In writing your script, you are crafting a message and focusing your message to your prospect. Your goal with your script is for your prospect to hear you and for your prospect to get "hooked."

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So, what makes a good script? Write your script the way you talk-and get to the point! Written language and spoken language are very different. If your script is in written language, you will sound phony. Real people do not speak with capital letters at the start of sentences and periods at the end. People actually speak more in phrases or fragments, with pauses, sometimes. It is imperative that you sound real, so if improper grammar and the occasional "ah" or "um" is giving you a tough time, try talking into a tape recorder, then playing it back and writing down what you say.
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  • Opening Statement 

All scripting begins with your opening statement. An opening statement needs an introduction, a hook (what's in it for client), and a bridge to your questions or your close. Without these it's impotent. Make sure that the benefits you offer are:

  • a) really benefits, and

  • b) relevant to the person you are speaking to and not just you!

Imagine yourself in your client's shoes and then ask, "What will this call potentially do for my business and why should I care?"

Start by asking for your prospect by name. Then, greet your prospect by name. Next, introduce yourself. "My name is (your name goes here), my company is "(your company here)" or "My name is (your name goes here), I'm with "(your company here)".

Then, you want a sound bite to further introduce yourself. A sound bite is one sentence that expresses simply and succinctly what you do (or what is your product or service). Example: "Wendy Weiss teaches people to get what they want over the telephone."

Your sound bite, or the following line, should position you as the expert-someone (company, product or service) who stands out from the pack. If you do this well, you will preempt the objection: "I can't meet with every salesperson who calls." You will not be "every salesperson who calls." To do this, you cannot say the same things that everyone else is saying-so be creative!

  1. Heart of the Script 

Next is the heart of the script. Describe your product or service, pointing out relevant benefits. Remember-your prospects are interested in benefits. Remember also, your prospects will buy for their reasons, not yours. That is why it is important to do your research and have a sense of what your prospect may need and may be interested in.

Interest-creating comment (a.k.a. "The Hook"). In less than 15 seconds (one or two sentences), you need to capture your prospect's attention. This is probably the most important line of the script, because it plays a major role in determining if a prospect will stay on the phone with you or hang up. For example, "I'm calling to tell you about how companies such as yours have successfully saved up to $200 per month

  1. Dealing with Direct Questions 

"How much is it?" "How long have you been in business?" "Where are you located?"

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How To Fix Your Website When It Gets Hacked?

Fixing hacked websites
It's not uncommon for sites - even large ones with lots of protection - to get hacked. Security is a major problem these days. And if your site gets hacked, it can get damaged in a number of ways. You could lose all your data, or lose its ranking due to malicious activity. So while you can take periodic backups, you cannot prevent someone from hacking into your site. The best and most practical thing to do in such an event is to recover your site as fast as possible so that the effect of the attack is neutralized/minimized.
Here are some tips shared by Google for getting your website back on track after it has been hacked.

Clean up malicious scripts

Hackers can target your site for any number of motives. From taking down your website and deleting its content to simply adding backlinks discreetly, there's a lot that can be done. If you notice suspicious content appearing on your website, delete those unnecessary pages immediately. However, don't just stop there.

Hackers will often insert malicious scripts into your HTML and PHP files. These could automatically be creating rogue backlinks or even new pages. Make sure you check your website's source code and see for any malicious PHP or JavaScript code that could be creating such content.

Maintain your CMS

Websites often get hacked due to vulnerabilities in a CMS that get patched with updates. If you're running an older version, your site is more susceptible to attack. Make sure you keep your CMS updated, and use a strong password for login. If possible, enable two-step verification to secure the login process.

www vs. non-www

www and non-www URLs are not the same. is not the same as - the former refers to a sub-domain 'www', whereas the latter is the root of your site. When checking for malicious content, verify the non-www version of your site as hackers often try to hide content in folders that may be overlooked by the webmaster

Other useful security tips

  • Avoid using FTP when transferring files to your servers. FTP does not encrypt any traffic, including passwords. Instead, use SFTP, which will encrypt everything, including your password, as a protection against eavesdroppers examining network traffic.
  • Check the permissions on sensitive files like .htaccess. Your hosting provider may be able to assist you if you need help. The .htaccess file can be used to improve and protect your site, but it can also be used for malicious hacks if they are able to gain access to it.
  • Be vigilant and look for new and unfamiliar users in your administrative panel and any other place where there may be users that can modify your site.

Automatic Table Of Contents In JavaScript - TOC Plugin

Automatic Table Of Contents In JavaScript - TOC Plugin

Wikipedia loves adding "Automatic Table Of Contents" for each article it publishes because it engages readers more by providing more accessibility and better navigation. Google prefers high-quality content which is well organized and formatted. Adding elements like tables, numbered sections, and an auto-generated TOC is a big bonus for ranking high in SERPS.
TOC Plugin: Automatic Table of Contents using JavaScript
In this article, we will share a lightweight TOC plugin written in pure JavaScript to automatically generate a table of contents from the section headings of a web page. 
DEMO: The contents table bellow is dynamically created on page load using this TOC Script.

What is Table Of Contents or TOC?

In websites, a table of contents abbreviated as TOC or ToC, is a link list, usually found on a web page placed right after the first paragraph. Each anchor link inside a TOC takes you to a specific section of the web page.
An HTML table of contents provides a quick way to jump to the desired section of a page. It usually includes the titles of the first-level headers (headings) or second level headers(subheadings).
Table Of Contents of a wikipedia page
In printable work, a table of contents refers to the index page of the book which contains the page number to each chapter. TOC for books are more in-depth and comprehensive, containing not only section titles but descriptions, author names, and subheadings.
table of contents of a drawing book

What Is TOC Plugin?

TOC plugin developed by MBT, is an automatic solution to the tedious method of creating a table of contents manually for each web page. It auto-generates a user-friendly table of contents for your lengthy blog articles. It is coded in pure JavaScript and loads lightening fast. Contents table generated using TOC plugin is easily crawled and indexed by search robots.
  • Read this interesting article by MOZ which mentions SEO support for all JS methods that we have used so far in building TOC plugin.
SEO ALERT: Just minutes after this post was published. Google not only indexed the TOC table and anchor Links but also added a "Jump to" label to identify that it is an anchor link that jumps to a particular section. See it to believe it. :)
 Table of contents anchor links indexed by Google
I have not included lower level heading tags (i.e. h3/h4/h5/h6) in TOC plugin because a blog post is neither a wiki nor a long lengthy book, it is best to show only major headlines for simplicity and accessibility. Adding subheadings or lower inside a table of contents only makes it longer in length thus pushing down your main content and destroying visibility.
Automatic Table Of Contents for blogger blogs
So far many developers have written a dynamic table of contents script but most of these scripts are either coded in jQuery or they are render-blocking JS eating up your page load time. You may even find table of contents generator but these scripts again lack flexibility and ease of customization.
Table of contents should be added only to those articles which are lengthy or contain at least four headings. On contrary, some TOC generators will add a table of contents on all your pages whether containing several headings or just a single heading, which of course is not a sensible thing to do.
jQuery table of contents is much slower compared to this TOC plugin built with traditional pure JS. JavaScript is executed much faster by browsers compared to a JS library (jQuery) that needs to be imported first.

Features of Table Of Contents (TOC) Plugin:

It is the first JavaScript plugin of its kind that is unique in several ways as mentioned below:
  • Coded in pure JavaScript - just 10 lines of code!
  • Lightweight and fast.
  • SEO Friendly
  • Adds unique ID to each section automatically.
  • Creates both ordered or unordered list
  • Contains a Toggle button
  • Show on any location you choose
  • Easily Customized
  • Mobile responsive
  • Executes only when invoked!

Pseudo Code Of TOC Plugin

Understand how the TOC Script works in plain English. The numbered list below is the pseudo code for our TOC plugin. It is a simplified description of the JavaScript code we wrote.
Table Of Contents for blogspot blogs
  1. Create a function to print headline links
  2. Count the number of heading sections on a page
  3. Run a loop equivalent to the number of heading sections
  4. Extract text content from the heading titles
  5. Give each heading a different ID
  6. Convert the heading text into an anchor link
  7. Print the heading anchor links inside a bullet list
  8. Find the location by TOC ID to display the list
  9. End the loop
  10. Trigger the function only when invoked inside the page
Table Of Contents with show/hide button
Following is the pseudo code for the toggle button which shows or hides the table of contents.
  1. Create a new function to show/hide the TOC.
  2. Show the TOC by default
  3. Use a conditional statement to check if TOC is hidden or visible.
  4. Use CSS to show or hide the TOC
  5. Trigger the function only when button is clicked

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